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Private Tuition and Creative Writing Classes with Writing for Life


Children’s writing and their ability across both the written word and orally are important aspects and vitally integral to any child’s success not only in school but beyond too.

Attending private tuition classes for English or Creative Writing Classes will enhance your child’s learning in a number of ways which will support them beyond the classroom and into adult life.

At Writing for Life I approach teaching children with an attitude of this is your time to shine!

Children try harder, use their energy better and will take more chances with their work when they feel confident, safe and able to express their thoughts and ideas freely.

Below are some of the aspects relating to the lessons available including resources used and organisation of classes.



The resources I use during my children’s creative writing classes come from a wide range of sources. These include, but are not limited to:


  • Traditional children’s books and stories
  • Factual information such as reports and newspaper articles
  • Sample exam papers
  • Comprehension
  • Current news topics
  • Story starters
  • Non-fiction text types

Children will often naturally be drawn to a particular book or type of story and the story can be used in a number of ways, especially with younger children, to help them learn while having fun. For example together we can look at Capital letters and full stops, we can have a discussion about the pictures, they can be encouraged to connect words in the text to the picture, they can be prompted to think of words which rhyme with words they see on the page.

Older children can write out their own ending to the story which develops and encourages imagination and thinking outside the box. Older children can look for synonyms for words on the page or rewrite the story restructuring the sentences on the page.

Non-fiction books and texts are great for encouraging report writing, letter writing or a newspaper article. The student will have to be mindful of persuasive language, informative language as well as formal and informal writing.

The list of creativity in the classroom here at Writing for Life is endless and each child is encouraged positively and with enthusiasm to build their confidence and to reach their best level of success and achievement.



Private tuition lessons are available throughout the week from Tuesday to Thursday from 3.30pm to 7.30pm.

Group classes run once a week for 3 hours each based upon demand with a maximum of 6 children per session. A basic course is at 6 classes. Parents can also choose an occasional holiday workshop which runs over two days for 3 hours each morning.

Many parents choose to continue with their child’s formal teaching classes as creative writing is part of our teaching programme for English Language at 7+, 11+ and 13+.

I work in small groups. Classes are organised around group work activities and individual, independent work. It allows children to learn from each other (reciprocity, communication, sharing of ideas and opinions, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and resilience) as well as work towards their own personal goals, as established early on in the course.

The classes offered cater for children as young as 4 years old up to 16 years old.

Mastery and confidence in creative writing from an early age feeds into success at GCSE and A levels, in English Language and Literature. As data shows, it also favourably impacts written elements of and success in other subjects too which have a higher coursework or essay-based exams such as History, Geography, Health & Social Care, Business Studies and Sociology.

Other teaching and private tutorial and group sessions are available and full details can be found on my website.

I hope that if you’re considering a private tutor for your child either for English or Creative Writing, as a way to boost their imagination and confidence, you will contact me for a chat. I’d be happy to hear from you.


Thanks so much for joining me this week and until next time,

Happy Reading, Happy Writing, Happy Children.

Soulla x



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