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A Cup of Conversation with poetess Lori Trickel


Hello and welcome to A Cup of Conversation where I am joined by Lori Trickel, a wonderfully warm and loving woman who I have had the pleasure of getting to know across Twitter in the last few months where I have taken part in her own fabulous hashtag WickedlyFunnyPoetry. As a poetess she is passionate and fun-loving and she authentically connects with her fellow authors and followers through her posts and tags. I hope you enjoy her interview as much as I did!


1. When did you start writing creatively?

I began writing poems at a young age; I want to say around 7 or 8 years old. I have always loved to write, whether it was stories about ghosts or love; I craved just sitting down with a clean piece of paper, my perfectly sharpened pencils and just allow the words to flow. I was always willing to share my work with my family and friends, but never confident enough to actually put that work out to complete strangers! For many years, my family and friends would ask, “Why don’t you just write a book of poetry?” I haven’t looked back.

2. What inspired your collection of poetry Twilight Carnivals?

I’ve been pushing myself to write new material for the collection and truly capture those dark and light emotions that are hidden in all of us. I want my readers to get so lost in the collection that they forget it’s just a book of poetry. I just love this collection this time around and the deeper emotions each poem touches upon. I smile every time I think about it.

3. Tell us about your newest collection of poetry, released only last week, Fairy Gazing and what will readers be surprised about when they read through it?

Fairy Gazing is the complete opposite from Twilight Carnivals. It’s light and airy and full of magic, fairies and a spring theme! It was definitely a different writing style for me.

Readers will be surprised to see such a lighter contrast from my first two books.

4. Tell us about your routine for writing poetry.

My routine for writing poetry can range from spontaneous to sticking to a schedule. In the early stages, I’ll write when an idea hits me, usually when I’m out and about! Towards my release deadline, I tend to stick to a very strict writing schedule.

5. Are you a planner or a pantser?

Oh, great question! I am definitely a planner!! I always have been! It’s the only way I am able to reach my goals.

6. What are you currently working on?

Well, I am currently working on my 4th book and I’m excited to get back to the raw emotional poetry that I truly am passionate about.

7. What inspired your super successful WickedlyFunPoetry hashtag on Twitter?

I love participating in a lot of the writing games and wanted to give back to my friends and the writing community by hosting my own prompt! It’s been so much fun!

8. Who has had the most significant impact on your writing and how have they supported your journey as a writer?

Another super question! I would have to say that my family and my friends have had a tremendous impact on my writing and what I write about. All of them have given me their opinions on my poems, advice, suggestions and have been a great audience.

9. What three pieces of advice would you give a new writer?

My advice to them would be to never doubt yourself, you CAN do this, surround yourself with a wonderful support system and try not to compare yourself to other poets- develop your own style and just write what makes you happy!

10. What three things do you do to support other authors?

Three things I do to show my support towards other authors are: helping promote their work, whether it be liking and retweeting their posts, commenting on their posts and purchasing their books.

       11. What are your three main goals for the rest of 2019?

Three main goals! Write three more poetry books, follow through on book signings, and possibly write a children’s book of poetry.

       12. Finally, can you share one of the poems from your new release Fairy Gazing with us and tell us what inspired you to write it.

This is one of my favorites.

Melancholy Muse

Smiling as I kiss the clouds

Wishing he was here with me

Inhaling all their energy

Hoping it reaches him


Alluring mysterious being

Let me hold you

Just for a little while

Touching your spirit


I’ll sit and sing you some poetry

Will you sit and play your guitar

Beautiful muse of my pen and paper

Melancholy, yet full of hope


Letting me tattoo my desires on your skin

My heart skipping beats

Trying to control my breathing

My fountain of sadness spills and dries

This piece is actually inspired by one of my muses that I turn to when I’m writing about emotions related to love and longing.

Thank you so much for joining us Lori and I wish you all the best as you launch Fairy Gazing!  Thank you dear readers too and if you would like to link up with Lori you can do so on her links listed below.

Until next week, Happy Reading, Happy Writing, Happy You.

Big hug, Soulla xxx


Twitter: @lorikpoetry



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