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A Cup of Conversation with author Aaron Brinker


Thank you Aaron Brinker for joining me and my readers and welcome to you all to my author interview series – A Cup of Conversation. Aaron has been one of my writing buddies on Twitter for a while now and I just love the way he faces the challenge of writing with a sharp creativity and a realistic attitude. He is one of my first ever male authors to be featured in this special series so I hope you will give him a warm welcome as he shares his writing routines and plans for the future.


1. When did you start writing creatively?

I started writing creatively when I was in Middle School. It wasn’t until College that I started pursuing it for publication.

2. Which author has most influenced your own writing style?

Ted Dekker has been a major influence. With reading a lot of classic Authors: Twain; Rawls; Bradberry; Lee; and even Faulkner, these have also lent analytical inspiration to some of my writing.

3. What personal experiences are reflected in your writing?

A lot of my personality, mannerisms, and painful experiences have been used in my stories.

4. How did you choose the title of your latest book or book series?

I haven’t yet decided on a title of my current Work In Progress. The title Second Chances was chosen due to a second chance to possibly make amends.

5. In your current book, either released or as a WIP, who is your favourite character and why?

        I’d have to say my favorite character from my current WIP would be the Archangel Michael. He is a total bad ass, yet a complete smart          ass at the same time.

6. What are you working on at the moment? What’s next?

I am currently working on the story following Mane of Redemption. My next project could be any of three choices: The story following my WIP, a sequel to Second Chances, or a Crime Thriller that has been itching to be written.

7. Where do you write and do you have a writing routine?

I had a pretty solid writing routine until we moved to Arkansas. I have an office set up and will hopefully be getting set in a new routine soon.

8. Who edits your work? Is it something you do or do you have a professional editor?

I tend to edit my own work. My wife usually edits after my first round except for Second Chances and other stories that aren’t her genre of choice.

9. What’s your favourite go-to snack when writing?

I honestly can’t remember my go to munchie when writing. Coffee is my drink of choice though.

10. Is there any aspect of the writer’s life you least enjoy and why?

With being a Self-Published Author, I would have to say trying to promote on a budget. I love the great interaction and feedback with followers, but it takes so much time away from writing. Twitter in general is one you have to be on frequently to get the largest reach.

       11. What advice would you give to someone looking to write their first book?

To the first time author, I would say to do your research, find the best fit for you, and be sure to challenge yourself in your writing.

        12. What two things frustrate you the most about the writing industry?

Probably the difficulty in actually selling books and getting very few reviews from those who have read your work.

13. Are you a planner or a pantser?

I’m a mix. I outline each book with beginning, middle, and end. I use note cards for each scene or chapter and write a brief description           (less than a sentence) of what happens in each. I then allow the characters to write out their own instances within each scene/chapter.

         14. What’s on your current to-do list?

My current to-do list consists of a few crime thrillers, the sequel and possible third book following Second Chances, and the rest of the           Redemption Series.

Thank you so much Aaron and to you all for joining us and if you would like to connect with Aaron his social media and book links can be found below. Until next time, Happy Writing, Happy Reading!


Twitter: www.twitter.com/aarondbrinker

Facebook: www.facebook.com/aarondbrinker

Blog: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14780578.Aaron_D_Brinker/blog

Amazon link to books: Author.to/aaronbrinker (universal link…will take you to amazon page for your area of the globe)

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