by Soulla Christodoulou
Hello and welcome to the second of my two-part blog post which I’m really excited to share with you.
I recently visited the On Happiness Exhibition at Euston’s Wellcome Collection.
What a wonderfully immersive experience it was!
The exhibition was divided into two parts and so I’m focusing on the tranquillity part of the show this week. Last week’s part one looked at that part of the exhibition which explored joy.
When I think of the word happiness and what it means to me I must admit that I don’t initially think about tranquillity but actually peace and quiet, the chance to be alone and to immerse myself in my thoughts are actually all conducive to feeling happy.
It’s all about that feeling inside which makes our heart beat a little faster — or slower — and which brings a smile to our face.
Happiness can’t be bought or made… it has to be felt.
So how can we be happy? What makes you happy?
In recent months I have been thinking more and more about my life and where the happiness I feel comes from and it is from “doing” and “being” and “immersing” in those things and situations which bring me joy.

I know that m writing brings me joy, being with my granddaughter, playing scrabble with my mum, seeing my dad at the front door with a box of homegrown veggies, a text from a friend, a hug from one of my sons, a chance glimpse of the setting sun, a kiss on the lips from my partner, a tune which takes me back to dancing as a student, the smile of a pupil when he gets it right, the postman delivering a book parcel, a message from a reader about how much they enjoyed my book, a picture of me as a teenager, sunbathing in Cyprus… these are all things which bring me happiness and they equally fill me with a sense of tranquillity.
What brings you happiness?
How much of that happiness is linked to tranquillity?
Until next week, find your happy place,
With much love, Soulla xxx