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Pussy Cat Pussy Cat Poetry by Soulla Christodoulou


by Soulla Christodoulou

Hello and welcome to this week’s fun poetry blog post!

I celebrated my birthday a couple of weeks ago and my boys treated me to a fabulously delicious and decadent Chinese meal in the West End.

We took lots and lots of photos and Alan took this one of Eleni and me and added the pussy cat whiskers and ears.

I wrote a little poem to go with it so I’m sharing it with you. Enjoy!




“Pussy cat pussy cat where have you been?
 I’ve been to Royal China
  And I ate like a Queen
Pussy cat pussy cat why were you there?
 Celebrating and laughing
  A birthday affair
Pussy cat pussy cat what else did you do?
 I played silly games
  With my loving yiayia.”

Hope it’s made you giggle as much as Eleni and I laughed at the photo!

With much love, Soulla xxx

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