by Soulla Christodoulou
Lockdown… it’s all we seem to be talking about and thinking about and so my mum’s birthday tomorrow is a good excuse to put all the worry aside and celebrate the good things in life still surrounding us… family, love and support for each other.
There’s a lot to celebrate after all… the lockdown restrictions haven’t been all bad, have they?
The time at home has given me time to slow down — something I’m not that good at doing — and to think about life and the future and how it might look and how I may need to change what I do and think to find a new happiness.
Mum’s birthday tomorrow will bring my sisters and I together and a surprise tea party at Mum and Dad’s house is the way to go.
Nothing too fancy… Mum will be happy enough with all of us being together. I’m hoping to have Eleni, my granddaughter with me too.
Anyway, the afternoon was a huge success! Mum loved being with us all and Eleni loved sticking her little fingers in the butter icing of the cupcakes. Too funny and so precious.
Big Eleni (my mum) with Little Eleni was the most wonderful treasured memory of all. We might not have been able to hug and kiss like we usually would but the love between us was still there… in all the spaces between us and around us.
Family… being together in times of good and the not so good. Together is always the place to be.
How’s your lockdown going? Have you celebrated a special event during this time?

Making time for each other is especially important now that we are so restricted. I’m so grateful to have been able to share this time with Mum.
Sending love and light to you all. Stay safe and stay well.
With much love, Soulla xxx