Saturday 27 July 2024

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My Book Love For Cynthia Hamilton’s Finding Ruth


Book Review by Soulla Christodoulou

Finding Ruth was an emotional story of soul-searching, externally searching for approval and love and a deep and intimate examination of a mother’s life told from a close third person point of view.

It takes the reader methodically, though sometimes a little repetitively, through the tumultuous and heart breaking events in Ruth’s life.

I appreciated how difficult such a memoir would have been to write, especially in light of her mother’s increasing Alzheimer’s and the deep yearning to record all that her life once was.

I imagine it being a cathartic journey for the author as so much of what her mother went through impacted her.

Written beautifully, and from the heart; it is a story of authenticity and brokenness.

This story left me feeling not only deep sympathy at the mostly tragic events in Ruth’s life but real empathy for her and her children. If you enjoy memoirs, then this story comes highly recommended.

To buy the book please click on the link below:




With much love, Soulla xxx

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