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My Book Love for Jane Lacey-Crane’s Secrets and Tea at Rosie Lee’s


Book Review by Soulla Christodoulou

Welcome to another My Book Love blog post. This book came to me at the right time… I needed something sweet and romantic, but not sicky and something to make me laugh. Jane has a delightful way with words and this story ticked all the boxes for me.

This is the first book of Jane’s I have read and it was a story which made me feel all fuzzy inside and smiley on the outside from the first page right up until the end. With some wonderfully entertaining characters and descriptions of life in East End which lifted off the page with an authentic and very real vibrancy it is a story to read when you need a gentle read with a beautiful romantic thread too. The story pace was great, the relationships between the characters made me want to join in their conversations and as for the romance…you’ll have to read the book! Highly recommended for in bed reading, sunny beach reading, cosy fire-place reading and anywhere in between reading!

Here’s the book blurb:

Welcome to Rosie Lee’s cafe in the heart of the East End – where there’s not an avocado, slice of sour dough or double-shot no-foam soy milk caramel latte on the menu! Rosie-Lee’s owner Abby is a woman without a plan… and her beloved little cafe is a business with a serious lack of customers. The Rosie Lee’s fry-up is legendary, but cooked breakfasts alone – however perfectly sizzled the bacon – aren’t going to pay the bills. Fast approaching forty and fighting a serious case of empty nest syndrome, Abby realises it’s not just her menu that needs a makeover. And when Jack Chance, her The One That Got Away, saunters through the cafe doors and back into her life things definitely look set to change… Abby has always believed a cup of strong builders tea makes everything better, but Jack’s reappearance is a complication even the trusty sausage sarnie can’t resolve…. If you enjoy Debbie Johnson, Jill Mansell and Jane Fallon, you’ll love Secrets & Tea at Rosie Lee’s, a frank, funny, feel-good look at grown-up life and love – as it really happens!


With much love, Soulla xxx

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