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HellenicTV interview, Faces, with Vasilis Panayis and Soulla Christodoulou


by Soulla Christodoulou

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog where I’m sharing my pre-recorded TV interview with you.

It was an absolute pleasure to be virtually sat with Vasilis Panayis, the presenter of Faces, Πρόσωπα. We recorded the interview which focused mainly on my new book Alexander and Maria via Zoom, due to current Covid-19 restrictions across London.

However, it was a most enjoyable experience and I sincerely hope you will enjoy it too and hopefully, if you’re looking to write something new, or are just beginning to think about a new project, you will find some inspiration in the advice I offer new writers.




Thank you for watching! Please leave a comment or contact me if you’d like to have a chat about anything writing related or to share your own project ideas with me. I’d love to hear from you.

With much love, Soulla xxx

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