Tuesday 22 October 2024

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Writing Prompt… ‘The Inevitability of Death’

I have connected with many authors since my decision to make writing a huge part of my lifestyle and arranged to meet Tas one evening after connecting on Twitter. I’d been traipsing around the London Book Fair earlier that day and was totally exhausted but I can honestly say Tas made me feel relaxed with his warmth and funny anecdotes. We ended up in a coffee shop on Kensington High Street and talked non-stop for over three hours; our Greek Cypriot families, friends, education, writing and our hopes and dreams.

I’ve always been quietly fascinated by writing prompts and think they are a great way to shift writer’s block, ignite and generate new ideas and bring a new perspective to your writing. Emily Wenstrom says, “The prompt itself doesn’t matter nearly as much as what you do with it.”

So the key is write whatever comes into your head, free write for a few minutes; you can even time yourself which will induce greater concentration and focus as well as develop discipline to think creatively on demand as you put your thoughts down on paper.

As you build your confidence and start to enjoy the skill of writing to a prompt you can give yourself targets. For example, responding to a prompt using dialogue only, writing in a different POV to the one you are currently writing in, write in a different genre to the one you write in usually, respond to the prompt from one character’s POV only. You could then go back and respond to the prompt in a different way and see how your writing develops. Go back and develop any ideas or storylines, look at how you can weave these into your writing and share what you have written with writing peers or through your social media platforms. All writing will help develop you as a writer!

So welcome to the first in a series of writing prompts which comes from aspiring author, Tas Liasis, and he’s chosen “The Inevitability of Death” 

We are all destined to die. It is inevitable. How do you accommodate this fact into your life? Does it enter your thoughts as you go about your daily routine? Or are you the type of person who laughs in the Grim Reaper’s face (or what is left of it) as you ready yourself to cliff dive?

I’d love you to share what you come up with so please send me your responses by filling out the contact form here or by leaving a comment below.

If you would like to know more about Tas read on and connect with him at any of his social media links below as well as through his blog.

About Tas: As they say on the street, “I am new to the game”. A cinephile, bibliophile, and tileórasiphile (a word I invented whilst blogging on my love of television), I am a late-thirties, London-born Greek-Cypriot with an unrelenting passion for writing in the three mediums of film, novel, and television.

Despite taking an unusual and diverted pathway to be where I am today, I recently completed a degree in Creative Writing via the Open University as a precursor to consolidating my desired profession of being a writer.

My favourite authors are Mario Puzo, Arthur C. Clarke, Tony Parsons, and Dan Brown, with science-fiction and conspiracy thriller my favoured fictional genres, although I enjoy reading non-fiction equally as much.

I am currently writing two fictional novels and television pilot scripts for a sitcom and a drama, in addition to freelancing for professional and personal clients.

Blog: https://tasology.wordpress.com/

Social media: @tasologyworld / https://www.facebook.com/tasologyworld/

Thank you so much Tas for your writing prompt and I wish you all the best of luck with your writing projects. Thank you too, my readers, for joining me again this week.

Until next week…happy writing, happy reading, happy you. 🙂

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