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Writers’ Favourite Writing Quotes (Part 4)

Writers’ Favourite Writing Quotes (Part 4)

Hello and welcome if this is not your first visit to the blog series Writers’ Favourite Writing Quotes. The series will be an on-going one and I’m delighted so many of you are reading the blog and visiting my website too!

In Part 4 of the series one of my author friends, Allison shares her favourite quote and her writing and creative journey. So take a break and enjoy reading.

Allison K. García’s favourite quote is:

“I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:13


Allison says: For me, I have been writing since I was a little girl and I really feel God is who gives us our gifts. I’m a bit of a rebel in the Christian fiction world because I write from a liberal POV (i.e. Vivir el Dream is about an undocumented college student), and again I feel that the experiences I have been through and the people I have met throughout my life, happened for a reason and that there is a plan in all things from Him. But I can’t do it on my own, so I need God’s help. He also created coffee, so that helps me out, too. 🙂 Seriously, though, I really feel called to write about love and about loving each other and that’s what I tried to write in my books.

Check out Allison’s book Vivir el Dream on Amazon: http://a.co/0NVyYAx

Vivir el Dream by [García, Allison K.]

Currently working on: I’m editing my second Latino Christian fiction book, called Finding Amor, which I plan to release in 2018. I also plan during NaNoWriMo to finish the last 2 books in an 8-book children’s fantasy series called Prince Miguel and His Journey Home.

If you would like to know more about Allison these are her LINKS:


Twitter: athewriter

Instagram: allisonkgarciaauthor

Blog: allisonkgarcia.wordpress.com

Thank you Allison for joining us and to you too for taking the time to read through this blog post! I hope that you will come by and visit again soon. And if you have a favourite quote, whether it be a writing quote or one which inspires you to write, and would like to be featured in the series, please contact me, I’d love to hear from you!

Until next time, happy writing, happy reading, happy you!

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