Wednesday 12 March 2025

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Why Do You Write or Create?


by Soulla Christodoulou


How’s your week going?

Do you create? Do you write or knit, or paint or draw? Do you like creating new recipes, or writing songs?

I get asked this question so many times: Why do you write?

The answer is this…

“Writing isn’t easy, the words don’t always come or the words don’t flow on the page like they do in my head. But those words always come good for me in the end and when I’m writing, really writing, everything else falls away, my pulse beats a little faster, my eyes twinkle a little brighter and my heart fills with the glowy passion of love. I love writing. I love everything about it. There’s nothing else I want to do more than write. It’s my passion. It’s my purpose. That’s why I’m a writer.”      Soulla Christodoulou 

Happy writing and happy creating.

Would love to hear from you!

With much love, Soulla xxx

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