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Alexander and Maria Share A Line

by Soulla Christodoulou


Hello and welcome to this week’s blog where I am doing a Share A Line (or two!) from Alexander and Maria.

I hope you enjoy the little snippets shared with you.


‘An authentic story about love and life in all its messy, unpredictable, imperfect glory. A truly heart-warming read.’ Jane Lacey-Crane

If you’re looking for a book that will keep you captive, between its pages, until you’ve reached the end, then this is it. A story about overcoming adversity in all its forms, it will have you rooting for the characters as they fight for real love. Sexy and passionate it’s written in a beautiful and sensitive prose.

Trust is a big word, when life has always let you down.

And everyone deserves love a second time around, don’t they?

Alexander, locked in a loveless, cold marriage, has melted into the humdrum of life, hiding behind his cerebral palsy. Maria, a single mother, is still reeling from her husband’s gambling and abandonment from years before.

They click with their first tweet.


Hope this entices you to try my latest book! With huge thanks in advance and happy reading!


With much love, Soulla xxx’

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