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The Summer Will Come chosen as a Year of Learning Festival Book Club Read by Barnet Libraries


The Summer Will Come was chosen as a Year of Learning Festival Book Club Read by Barnet Libraries, London, and last night I attended a book club ‘Meet The Author’ event to meet the readers and to talk about my writing.

It was over a year ago I contacted the Library Service making enquiries about how I could organise an event in my local library and twelve months later I found myself talking to a group of wonderfully supportive people who wanted to know every detail of my journey as a writer and who asked the most interesting and thoughtful questions about the story and my inspiration behind The Summer Will Come.

And so I talked… I opened up to them as if they were my friends and their enthusiasm and insightful questions both humbled me and excited me. I would never have dared to dream of such a moment when I first started out on my writing career. Yet there I was talking and sharing and connecting with a group of people who read my words and shared my enthusiasm and love for the story.

Year of Learning Festival Book Club, Barnet Libraries

It was an absolute pleasure meeting Jaana, Jenny, Brian, Sohaila and my huge thanks go out to James who organised the meet up and who told me, much to my delight, that the library now holds five copies of The Summer Will Come for loaning out. How fabulous is that?!

And if you are a member of a Book Club and would like to read The Summer Will Come then you can also refer to my Happy Book Talking…Book Club Guide for discussion questions and ideas.

I hope you too are enjoying a good book and if you want to escape to Cyprus the book is available in your local Barnet Libraries and of course from Amazon or direct from me for a personally signed copy.

Until next time, Happy Writing, Happy Reading, Happy You.

Soulla xxx

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