Tuesday 22 October 2024

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Random Acts of Kindness Day


by Soulla Christodoulou

It’s Random Acts of Kindness Day today and I have a lot to be thankful for on this day and I wanted to share the love and spread kindness.

I met with a dear author friend this morning and I recently, just by chance, found out he likes marshmallows as much as I do.

Anyway, he changed our meet-up time last minute and so I didn’t take my planned route to meet him.

We were sitting there, him with his cappuccino and me with my Earl Grey when suddenly I stopped talking and said, ‘I need to do something. It’s a surprise. Wait here.’

I disappeared for a few minutes and ran into the Tesco Express and came back with a… yes, you’ve guessed. A packet of marshmallows for him. He was so surprised and I loved the look on his face when I danced on the spot with the packet in my hands. 

Image above: Courtesy of Google.

What do you do to share kindness and to be kind to others?


Let me know and please always remember to be kind to yourself too!


With much love, Soulla xxx

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