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My Macmillan Cancer Support Tea Afternoon


My contribution to MacMillan's World's Biggest Coffee Morning - Soulla Christodoulou

Hello and welcome to a special blog post this week – which is a few days late – featuring and sharing some pictures and thoughts from my MacMillan Cancer Support event.

When my mum was diagnosed with cancer in the summer of 2012 the news was devastating. My family and I  were suddenly thrown into a dark/ black hole which only seemed to get darker and more threatening the longer Mum fought against the disease and the treatment.

Anyone going through cancer, or supporting someone who is fighting, knows how unrelenting and how debilitating the chemo, the radio therapy, the side-effects, the trauma are.

Everything felt fragile and everything felt just too big.

Mum overcame her cancer but it took five years of operations, hospital visits, emergency trips to hospital, countless of consultations and the biggest ever trust that od would help her through. And He did.

But not everyone is as lucky and I’ve lost count of how many friends and family members I’ve lost to cancer — many of them far too young to go, far too full of life to have been taken.

So today’s post is about celebrating life, celebrating each other and acknowledging the wonderful work MacMillan Cancer Support do to help those who find themselves in a cancer nightmare.

Today was a fabulous day which showed just how ordinary people came together to share their stories, make new friends, meet friends they hadn’t seen for a while and to raise funds for such a well-worth cause.

My thanks go to everyone who supported this event and to the following in particular who made an extra effort to give from their hearts with their wonderful baked goods.

My mum who baked a traditional Greek Cypriot Semolina Cake and some Greek Cypriot cookies.

My sister Lia who baked a Pear, Cinnamon and Almond cake and also a Courgette and Cinnamon Loaf.

My niece Sofia who baked a Caramel Cake.

My aunty Helen who baked a Lemon Curd Sponge Cake.

My friend Teresa who baked some jumbo Galaxy chocolate cookies.

My mum’s friend Miroulla who baked a tray of iced marble cake.

And I baked an Apple and Cinnamon Sponge using my Aunty Maroulla’s recipe.

And huge thanks to everyone who donated too!

The day was a huge success and the donations are still coming in but at time of writing this up the event has raised over £700.00 !!!

I am eternally grateful to everyone who came! The afternoon was a lot of fun, full of smiles and laughter and a few tears too — but happy ones!





With much love, Soulla xxx

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