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My Book Love for Amy Markstahler’s Life Happens on the Stairs


Book Review by Soulla Christodoulou

Life Happens on the Stairs, by Amy Markstahler, is written with the word love and raw authenticity etched loudly on every page. A story of conflict…emotions, lifestyles, expectations, demands, death, grief, pain, love and trust.

Throughout the story all these are touched upon, some in greater depth than others, through the experiences of Elsie, and those around her.

But in the end it’s a love story where love threads its way through the book like an invisible thread which shines the brightest gold on the last page of the book. A book I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending.

“Amy J. Markstahler lives with her husband and two children, near the banks of the Salt Fork River, just outside Urbana, Illinois. In 2016, she was the 3rd Place recipient in the Linda Howard Award of Excellence, and in 2018, she won First Prize in the Breakthrough Novel Awards, both for Life Happens on the Stairs, her first novel.”

LINK to Amy’s book:

With much love, Soulla xxx

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