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Love Life and it Will Love You Right Back


by Soulla Christodoulou


How’s it going for you?

I was thinking the other day how if you love life it will love you right back… it might not look like it or feel like it straight away but in the end, life will give you that kiss and hug you need.

I read the book The Secret a long time ago and so much of it resonated with me and the way I think and see life. I’m optimistic and positive which doesn’t mean I’m happy all the time but it means I don’t let things linger for too long around me if they are not good for me… feelings, places, situations, people.

My full name in Greek means the optimistic one and I like that. I like that I can view negative situations as only temporary hiccups, little hitches, which I can push aside and move on from. It might take a while but I always get there.

The Secret recently posted this image on their website and app and I love it.

How does it make you feel? Do you believe what it says?


“Yes you! You, just as much as anyone else, deserve all the good things, the great things, that life has to offer and more. So don’t give up.”
Soulla Christodoulou 

Until next time, keep shining!

With much love, Soulla xxx

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