Thursday 25 July 2024

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Free Writing and letting Your Creativity Lead The Way


by Soulla Christodoulou

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog post which is a little later than usual in its publication time because I wanted to included my participation in a free-writing event today.

I was super excited to be taking part in this free @eventbriteuk @atlondonbridge event which I saw advertised on Instagram and which I signed up for like a shot!
“This session is about letting your creativity lead the way, generating new and exciting writing in your own unique style. During this 45-minute workshop Laurie will take you through fast paced writing exercises to boost mindfulness and help connect with your well being. Anyone can do it and all you need is a pen and paper and somewhere chilled to sit and let your imagination do its thing.”



It really was a fabulous free-writing session; sometimes stopping and doing something different creates all the inspiration you need!
It was brilliant and so glad I took the plunge and put aside some time to do this.
Huge thanks to The Poetry Takeaway  (@thepoetrytakeaway ) and Team London Bridge
( @teamlondonbridge ) 
When was the last time you took part in a different type of writing event that took you out of your comfort zone and showed you just what else you could be inspired to do?

I’d love to hear from you, so please let me know.

Until next week,

With much love, Soulla xxx

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