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Alexander and Maria Meeting On Social Media Might Just Give You A Happy Ending


Inspiration behind my new book Alexander and Maria

Hello and welcome to my blog this week. 

I wanted to share with you my inspiration behind my soon-to-be-released Contemporary Fiction Novel, Alexander and Maria.

The onslaught of negative stories in the media about the influence of social media in tricking, cheating and alluring older people into all sorts of dangerous and traumatic situations, prompted me to write a story focusing on the positives of meeting across social media.

My own friendship with a man with Cerebral Palsy, though not severe, and a chance conversation with an author at the London Book Fair in 2019, who also has CP, encouraged me to pursue my storyline.

With further research into the condition and countless face-to-face interviews and conversations on various forums, the story evolved into the novel it is.

Thank you for reading and I hope,

that if you haven’t read any of my books before,

you will be reading Alexander and Maria

when it is released on 30th November 2020 with The Conrad Press.

With much love, Soulla xx


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