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My Book Love for Steve Griffin’s The Boy in the Burgundy Hood


Book Review by Soulla Christodoulou

I bought a signed copy of this book direct from the author who I have got to know through Instagram.

It had a slow start but OMG what an ending!!!

I read this book in the evenings, in bed, over a couple of weeks and it wasn’t until I got to the second part of the book that I became totally engrossed in what was coming next.

The first part of the book was a little slow for me, less mysterious. However the descriptions of the setting and the old mansion were beautiful and I did enjoy these – proof there is a place for Tell not Show and Steve capitalised on these parts of the story with detail and precision. Clearly a lot of research went into the writing of the story.

The story, as it unfolded, did not disappoint! Alice certainly had quite a time of it at Bramley House and though ghost visitations and experiences are present in the story I would say this is more of a mystery book with an incredibly satisfying ending! Omg! Well done Steve.

Steve Griffin is the author of The Boy in the Burgundy Hood, a ghost story, and the adventure mystery series The Secret of the Tirthas.

He also has two poetry collections published, Up in the Air and The Things We Thought Were Beautiful, published March 2020.



Thanks for joining me for my Book Love blog this week.

With much love, Soulla xxx

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Steve Griffin
4 years ago

Thank you for the support Soulla – much appreciated!

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