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The first time I saw you – A poem by Soulla Christodoulou


Hi everyone and welcome to my poetry post this week. This is a special one as it will feature in my third novel, currently titled Trust is a Big Word but this may change. The story is set in London and Scotland and follows the friendship of two people who then become involved in an illicit affair; chatting on Twitter begins as a bit of harmless flirtation but quickly escalates into something much more intense and passionate and there’s no going back…or is there? Are Alexander and Maria in too deep? Will they leave the lives they know to be together or will circumstances and old habits keep them apart? Can’t wait to share it with you towards the end of 2019/beginning of 2020.


The first time I saw you was before you saw me

Walking towards me, consciously unaware I was there

I observed you whole, your walk, your look, your stare


Like an outlined drawing I could now fill in the blanks

The gait of your step, the movement of your swagger

How tall you were and the way you held your head


I averted my eyes to avoid you yet noticing me

I wanted that moment of recognition just right to be

One of held locked gaze, not a crumpled weight


Colours of want and pages of love swept through me

Long felt caresses, silver-edged dreams almost a reality

Melting deep within me, sensations infused me abound


Then you caught my eye, and smiled an open song

A collision of desire and brushstroke this is for real

You took me in your arms and wrapped me in scarlet lust


Our hearts tender, entwined threads of silk in fine gold

A sip of eternity as our lips for the first time touched

Creamy beads I felt release as I breathed a heart’s wisp


And you held me there for seconds but of all eternity

Lost in your strength, a wrap of comfort, love’s creation

Inside the fluttering white wings of angels dusted my heart





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