Wednesday 24 July 2024

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In the summer July air

You came We met We laughed We talked I undressed You touched I lay myself bare Not like me at all To open up A stranger to me We said goodnight Feelings reeling To show we care But no drawn out kiss And I left you In the summer July air #POEMSC a Poem by Soulla Christodoulou  

Responses to “In the summer July air

Tamara August 31st, 2017 (Edit)

I enjoy getting to know you on IG and your blog is pretty cool! I’m nominating you for The Mystery Blog Award

Soulla Christodoulou September 8th, 2017 

Thank you so much Tamara! I will take a look at that 🙂


Andrew Golder September 8th, 2017 


Soulla Christodoulou September 8th, 2017 

Thank you Andrew 🙂

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