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A Cup of Conversation with author S. Daniels


Hello and welcome to A Cup of Conversation where I am joined by author S. Daniels who is releasing her book Seraphina Rising on the 15th September 2019 across Amazon worldwide. I know writing the book has been a labour of love and dedication and resilience for her.

I’ve read the story and it is one of a magical deep water world of rival mermaid clans set against the harsh realities of life above the water for those living there. It offers an escape to another place, with beautifully crafted characters and twists and turns which keep you moving swiftly through the book.

In this A Cup of Conversation interview S. Daniels reveals her writing journey to publication as well as her love of art and her plans to write another two book mermaid series.So thank you for joining us.


1. When did you start writing creatively?

As an adult I started writing about 6 years ago with my first novel, Magic Hour; that I have since taken off the market. I have memories of when I was a child asking my mother for a typewriter, writing short stories and drawing comics.

2. What inspired your interest in mermaid tales and fantasy stories?

Being a curious person, I was always drawn to fantasy, the mysterious and the unknown. Not exclusively drawn to mermaids but to creatures that some believe do not exist.

3. I know how talented you are as an artist. How has this contributed to your writing?

In any way I can let my creativity run wild.  It enables me to be uninhibited.  I’m talking about the fun writing when you are not worried about grammar, just telling your story.

4. Tell us a little about the story of your new novel Seraphina Rising which releases on 15th September 2019.

A member of the Wasnuk warrior mermaid clan, Seraphina, discovers a man has been ensnared by her trap and consumed by the other members of the clan. She vows to put an end to this atrocity but must get through the strongest and meanest mermaid, Aureilla, all while a rival mermaid tribe is trying to kill her clan.  On land the alcoholic Lieutenant Bob Clement is searching for the missing young man, as a mother and father struggle with the disappearance of their son.

5. Please share a short extract from the book with us and tell us why you have selected this piece.

He kneels to get a better look. That feeling before a breakthrough surrounds him like a cold arctic chill, gripping his insides.

“Don’t go any closer,” her voice jumps at him.

Could he reach for it, for Sara? Soft sprays of moisture stipple his face. “The water is so dark I can’t believe I even noticed it. What if Damon saw this and got too close to the water? I could grab it,” he voices his thoughts out loud.

“That’s a strong possibility. He was brave to a fault. And I hate to admit, crazy. But I’m not feeling good about this right now,” Megan says as she is backing up a couple of steps against the cliff wall, her palms pressed flat against it as if for support. Her eyes look as if something terrifying has approached her.

The sound of white noise rings in his ears, “Whoa!”

His body involuntarily pushes up and back into the wall of the cliff. “What was…?”

“You look white as cement. Was there something there?” she demands, her voice echoing and chest heaving.

“Let’s get out of here now!”

They drive back in silence, but Bob’s mind is reeling.

What was it he saw? A huge glowy soft pink, blue veined hand with webbed skin between the fingers…grabbing at the spiny urchin. 

I selected this because this is where the mermaids become real to Bob. The truth behind the missing person case starts to materialize in his mind.  It develops Bob and Meghan’s relationship more because they experience a phenomenon together.

6. What key message would you like your readers to take away with them after reading Seraphina Rising?

One must be true to themselves, living according to their morals and values, no matter the obstacles that being true to oneself causes. We all have a purpose, but we don’t necessarily know what our purpose is.  However, being true to yourself will reveal your purpose.  

7. Who is your favourite character in the story and why would your readers like them?

Antonia; she is curious, spontaneous, compassionate and shows signs of jealousy.  It seems like a crazy mix, but it works for her.  She lives for the now, deciding on a course of action as she goes. I had the most fun writing her character.

8. What has been most challenging in preparing your novel for its release?

The technical aspects were the most challenging (word, pdf, websites and social media). Not being a computer person, this is what took the most time.

9. Which three aspects of the writing journey have you improved on since you first begun your writing career?

I started writing for fun. I’ve picked up valuable knowledge along the way.  The three aspects that have helped me the most is character mapping, outlining my story and research.

10. Are you a planner or a pantser?

Pantser! I know the beginning and the end of my story; the rest just happens as I write it.  When I started writing Seraphina Rising, I didn’t know she would rise to power, but I knew she would stop her clan’s consumption of man flesh.

        11. What advice would you give a new writer?

You are good enough. Just keep writing and you will improve, learn, and grow as a writer.  It’s not a race and don’t compare yourself to other authors.

        12. What two things do you do to support your fellow writing community?

I follow fellow authors, engage with their posts and comment. I read and review their books.

13. What is your main mission, writing or otherwise, for the rest of 2019?

My main mission for the rest of 2019 is to re-write Magic Hour one and two, that I wrote before Seraphina Rising.

        14. If you had to use a colour to describe yourself what colour would it be and why?

Green describes me. I’m kind, generous and compassionate.  I’ve come to the rescue before, put out fires and helped resolve other people’s situations while remaining calm.


And on that note S. Daniels, I will finish with a green farewell and thank you for joining us.

I wish you all the best as you launch your book on the 15th September! It is certainly a great read and to my weekly readers, if you would like to link up with S.Daniels you can do so on her links listed below.

Until next week, Happy Reading, Happy Writing, Happy You.

Big hug, Soulla xxx


Amazon e-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VFQGC2W 

Amazon paperback: available from 15th September 2019

Website: www.sdanielsbooks.com 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/author_sdaniels?lang=en-gb 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/author_sdaniels/ 


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