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Find out what Anne John-Ligali has been up to…be one of the first to see her new updated cover reveal…


Hello! Find out what Anne John-Ligali has been up to, in this special post revealing her new updated cover for her second story in the Friendships Online series, The Weekend Spa Break.

Choosing a cover is one of the most difficult things to have to do as an Indie author and one which Anne has given a lot of thought to as well as time and effort. Not totally happy with the cover to her second story in the Friendships Online series she has chosen to re-do the cover and the result is just amazing!

The cover is fun, flirty and girly and the punchy bright injection of colour works well against the white background and silhouettes of the girls. It is certainly a rom-com-enesque cover you just have to love!

Anne shared this with me: “There are two reasons why I decided to give my cover a makeover, the first one is I decided to revise the whole book a year after it had been published. In the original version, there were 17 chapters. In the new version, there are 21. I divided some of the longer chapters into two, to make it a snappier read.

The second reason is I’ve always felt the cover could do with a spot of colour and that it was too minimal. So what’s new? There’s a lovely red dress on a dressmaker’s dummy and a red bag to match. I am a fan of French furniture, so I got rid of the basic-looking dresser and replaced it with a prettier one. There’s a plant in one corner, a new chandelier and on the floor there’s a green shoe.

Now for those who have already read the story, they will know the significance this shoe plays in the story.  And lastly, because this is a series about being online, I thought it would be a good idea to have a mobile phone on the cover which is leaning up against the red bag.

I think the new cover is an improvement although it’s not a far cry from the original. The girls are still wearing the same clothes, however, the pops of colour make it more appealing to look at, and I feel it suits the story a lot more as Glitzy’s Health Spa is a very colourful, interesting and beautiful place to visit.”

I hope you like the new cover just as much as I do and hope you will have a read of this fantastic series!  Thanks for joining us and Anne’s amazon link is here.

Until next week, Happy Reading, Happy Writing, Happy You.

With much love, Soulla xxx



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