Wednesday 12 March 2025

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Don’t ignore The Signs


by Soulla Christodoulou

Hi there. This week I thought I’d send out some positive vibes and remind you of this.
We’re always asking for things to happen a certain way for us… but for things to happen we have to be ready, in tune, aligned with our desires, aligned with the universe.
We have to recognise, and accept with an open heart and open mind, the nudges the world gives us, the opportunities.
“Don’t ignore the signs that you asked for.”

We are always asking for this or that to happen… but sometimes we are so busy asking we forget to notice what is happening right now. Don’t be so consumed with what you want to miss out on what you can have now.

Keep believing friends, keep wishing and grab every opportunity that comes your way.

Don’t let fear take away the what might be.

Stay safe, stay well and keep on doing what you’re doing.


With much love, Soulla xxx

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