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Cyprus Mail and Living To See a Better Tomorrow


Feature article by Alix Norman, Cyprus Mail

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog post which is a particularly happy one for me personally.

My book, The Summer Will Come, has been featured in the Cyprus Mail!

To say it has been an absolute whirlwind of an experience is an understatement.

Alix Norman, Chief Features Writer, contacted me through Facebook Messenger, asking if it might be possible to chat about my book with a view to an interview and full-page feature.

I jumped at the chance and called her straight back… no hesitation, no doubts, just a thumping heart which threatened to burst out of my chest.

After two long phone calls — the interview was carried out over the telephone — and a number of trips to my local print shop to help me set my old photographs up at the correct resolution for digital — I was set.

I spent an afternoon at my mum’s house looking through all her old photo albums and shoes boxes of black and white images… some of them so old, I could barely make out who was who. But it was a fun morning, emotioal too!


My parents at their civil wedding ceremony, 1966.


This has been one of the highlights of my writing career to date; sharing my inspiration and my story with the Greek and Cypriot community and diaspora worldwide is an honour.

Our stories matter and I hope that many more people will now reach out and talk to their parents and grandparents about their lives before their move to wherever they are now in the world.

The full feature can be read here:

Cyprus Mail Article 


Thank you so much for joining me this week and for your support.

And, of course, huge thanks, to Alix Norman and Cyprus Mail for the wonderful feature.

With much love, Soulla xxx

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