Thursday 13 March 2025

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A community of Vibrant Imaginative People


by Soulla Christodoulou

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog post which I am dedicating to newsletters!

How many of you read a newsletter regularly? What sort of features do you like to see and read?

My first book Broken Pieces of Tomorrow was published in August 2017 and I remember reading a lot about the benefits of having a newsletter and how they help authors (and other businesses) grow and flourish.

I found the technology overwhelming and shied away from launching a newsletter until earlier this year when in July 2021 I launched my first ever newsletter to 218 subscribers.

And the inspiration behind this huge leap was a wonderful author and follower on Instagram called Kat Caldwell.

I signed up for her free webinar back in March called How To Build an Email List and it gave me the confidence to give it a try.

Kat offered lots of practical ideas on what to include in a newsletter as well as considerations regarding how often to post one out. I opted for a six-weekly mailing which is manageable for me as I start on this journey.

It’s not been easy and I’ve spent a lot of time navigating the SendFox website which is the platform I use to write and send out my newsletter. I’ve sent out the newsletter early – twice! – and I’ve had problems scheduling the newsletter to come out on the date I had planned.

But… the feedback has been wonderful! People have actually read the newsletter and messaged and emailed to tell me how much they liked it and how it has inspired them too.

This has been totally encouraging and has spurred me on to continue. Bringing together people across a newsletter platform has been tremendously exciting and I love how I’m connecting with people in a new way. Not everyine is on social media, right?

My VIP Newsletter is something which is developing and growing and has Vibrant Imaginative People at its core. Have you signed up?



I hope you’ll join me and my wonderful community of Vibrant Imaginative People. 

Looking forward to welcoming you!

Click to sign up:

VIP Newsletter

Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week,

With much love, Soulla xxx

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