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My Book Love For Joe Congel’s Dead is Forever


Book Review by Soulla Christodoulou

If you enjoy crime fiction novels then you are going to love Joe Congel’s book!

It didn’t just pull me in; it dragged me in, and kept me a willing hostage lost in the pages of this well-written story for four days. It was fast-paced, evocative and deeply moving with a character list which pulled at my heartstrings with emotions ranging from anger, disappointment, fear and sadness to hope. A truly brilliant debut novel which I congratulate the author on and hope you’ll give him a chance too.

Here’s the book blurb:

Tony Razzolito, AKA the Razzman, is tired of dead-end sales jobs and refuses to get another, despite a huge blowout with his wife. Instead, he decides to pursue his dream of becoming a PI. He just has to figure out how to get started.

Just hours later, Tony receives a phone call from his friend, Detective Joe Humphrey – his wife has been murdered. The devastating news sends Tony’s emotions on a roller coaster ride he didn’t expect. Yes, their marriage had issues, what marriage doesn’t? But now… now he would never have the opportunity to work things out, to make amends, or to say he’s sorry.

Shocked, pissed off and emotionally overwhelmed, he is determined to find the killer and insists on helping Joe with the investigation. When clues to another woman’s death tie the two crimes together, Tony may discover that some secrets about his wife are better left hidden.


With much love, Soulla xxx

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