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LOVE and US…a poem by Soulla Christodoulou



This is one of my poems which was published on – where words matter – on May 19th, 2018. It’s about that little word love which has the power to build us up, knock us down, have us sitting up in the clouds, or mooching around in our jim-jams all day unable to do anything!

I hope you enjoy it! 


Careless carefree love

Rose tinted giggles, memories

Discarded clothes

Tangled lace panties,

shocking pink bra

Your passion takes me

A surprise hot flame

Which wanton

Lays me bare

Flowing and perfum’d

Bed covers strewn

Pillows crumpled

Jealous love ravaging

Winking at me with burning intensity

Holding me hard, breathless


First disbelief

Heaven on earth is this

My balance evaporates

As I lay vulnerable, open

Your wild hunger grabs all of me


Your conviction wanting

Love, master over my secret

Trustless longing over and over

As gazing forth, our bodies on fire

You’re inside melting me.

Thank you for joining me this week and if you’d like to read some more of my poetry my collection of 30 poems, Sunshine after Rain, is available as an ebook on Amazon. 

Until next time, enjoy the loving! 



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