You’re in for a real treat this week as I chat to this fabulously charismatic and fun author! Veronica Cline Barton shares her love of mystery with us, what two questions she would ask Agatha Christie and also reveals her obsession with crowns and boots. So welcome to A Cup of Conversation!

1. When did you start writing creatively?
Thank you for having me on A Cup of Conversation Soulla! I started writing creatively in 2016 with my first book, The Crown for Castlewood Manor. I had thought about writing for many years when I was an engineer and in software sales, and finally gave it a go!
2. Who is your favourite British mystery character and how have they influenced your own writing?
My absolute favorite is Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple. I love her always well-mannered approach in assessing situations and homing in on the real evil doers. She’s timeless and spot on in her observations — and I would put her up against any other detective anytime! I love her travels and social outings. She would be a fabulous friend to have!
3. You describe your books as “cosy British mysteries with an American twist”. What can readers expect to see and what might surprise them?
My main character, Gemma, is an American member of the Lancaster family who comes to the UK to assist her British cousin in a set location contest for a major period drama television series, Castlewood Manor. I didn’t want to assume I could write from a native British perspective, so we see the social events, royal situations, ‘mur-dahs’, and settings through her eyes, from her American perspective. She fits in well for the most part — but there are some British mannerisms/traditions that American minds don’t quite grasp, at least initially — causing some humorous moments.
4. You have three books published. What inspired you to write each one?
I love reading cozy mystery series…it gives me a chance to know the characters and watch them develop over time. I knew from the beginning I had to try to develop my own version, and researched the things and places I love watching, reading and traveling to. My American Almost Royal Cousin Series is a reflection of these beloved experiences:
The Crown for Castlewood Manor, is an homage to the production of my favorite period drama series, Downton Abbey (my fictional Castlewood Manor) at the real life Highclere Castle (Cherrywood Hall in my series). I have several books that highlight the production, fashions, sets — it’s amazing how much work and detail it takes to make everything realistic and choosing that perfect location that will transform in viewers minds!
Cast, Crew, & Carnage; the Filming of Castlewood Manor is based on the filming of season one of the television series at the estate, the marketing events to promote the show (ie Fashions of Castlewood Manor), photo shoots, society events — what could possibly go wrong?
Deadly Receptions; the Debut of Castlewood Manor, highlights the global premiere events for my fictional show, and takes us to London, New York City, Vail, and Malibu (Gemma’s home town, I love it too). The Telly Tiaras are my version of the Oscars/Academy Awards/BAFTAs — we had fun celebrating this past weekend (and wearing our glammy apparel)!
5. Are any of your characters in your books based on yourself?
There are bits and pieces of myself that are now part of each character. Gemma has just received her PhD and is trying to decide what to do with her life after a bad break up…been there. She does love her fashions, especially boots. Her mother (Mama) Jillian, is one of the leading actresses in the Castlewood Manor series and is a little dramatic and over the top…aren’t all mothers? Aunt Margaret observes everything and has a dry wit that manages to sneak in when you least expect it. I see that!
6. Which of your characters is your favourite and why would readers like them?
I love my main character, Gemma. She’s smart, beautiful, loves her family and friends, and is dedicated and has a wardrobe to die for, #JustSayin. You’ll see her grow and come to love and appreciate her British ancestral roots, her new professional role, and yes, a romance…all the while solving ‘mur-dahs’ and dealing with some rather, ahem, difficult situations and characters. I have to mention she does love to eat, finding bodies gives one an appetite! I just wish she’d give me her magical metabolism! You’ll enjoy the meal descriptions in the books
7. What are you currently working on?
I am working on “Book 4”; a continuation of the cozy mystery series. Gemma has some major life events and family legacy decisions coming up, things that will impact and change her life, and those she loves, forever. Dun, Dun, Dun…
8. If you were able to meet any author who would you choose and what two questions would you ask them?
Dame Agatha Christie. The first question I’d ask is: So many characters and situations, how did you prioritize? And secondly: Which suitor did Lucy Eyelesbarrow choose in the ‘4:50 to Paddington’?
9. What has had the most significant impact on your writing and how has this supported your journey as a writer?
My travels have been my greatest source of inspiration — meeting the locals and taking in the sights. I particularly love traveling to the UK and experiencing the different locations that my characters go to in the books. The tea room at the Savoy is very much like the one in my fictional Beauchamp hotel.
10. Are you a planner or a pantser?
I am a planner — with a series I have no other choice to make sure I don’t drop things through the cracks. Excel is my tool of choice.
11. What are your three main goals for the next three months?
Completing Book 4, marketing my series, and traveling on my first cruise around the British Isles!
12. And finally, Veronica, I’ve got to ask…tell us about your obsession with crowns and boots!
LOL — who doesn’t love the beautiful jewels and sparkle of a crown? After watching so many #royalweddings, the ladies of Downton Abbey and Victoria, and researching for my series, I became a crown lover — their design, settings, and history are amazing! My collection is of the ‘almost royal’ jewel variety, but I love them just the same, why not? Fun and fabulous, that’s a yes in my book. As for boots, this has been a life-long obsession. Riding boots, faux fur apres ski, wellies, bejewelled, over the knee, ankle boots — I adore them all and love wearing them anytime of the year.
Thank you so much for joining us Veronica! It’s been marvellous getting to know you and I wish you lots of success with your fourth book! And if you do make it to the British Isles I would love to see you if your trip brings you to London.
Veronica’s links are listed below so if you’d like to keep up with her writing life or buy her books then please take a look.
Thank you all for joining us and until next week, Happy Reading, Happy Writing, Happy You!
With much love, Soulla xxx
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