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Writers’ Favourite Writing Quotes (Part 12)


Welcome to Part 12 of my increasingly popular blog series which looks at the inspiration different creatives have gleaned from their favourite quote.This week Marie Webdale, from Marie’s Book Boutique, an avid reader, book reviewer and book blogger has joined me and I’m truly delighted. Marie recently reviewed both my books, Broken Pieces of Tomorrow and The Summer Will Come (click on the book title to read her review) and I found her depth of coverage and connection with each story a true indication of her love of reading and her love of books. So let’s see where her passion comes from…

Marie Webdale

My favourite writing quote and how it inspired me:

‘You can, you should , and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.’

Stephen King

This quote is so true! I think it’s inspired me to just write in general; whether it’s a blog post, a poem or writing more for my current writing project. And to just keep writing!!!

How the quote got you into writing, helped develop my writing style or attitude:

It’s definitely helping me to learn to believe in myself and what I write a bit more. Notice I say learning, because I’m still trying to master it!

What I am writing at the moment/working on:

Well, I write blog posts about bookish things and share my reviews on books I’ve read. I am working on a romantic comedy, that I’ve been writing for quite a while on and off, due to suffering from writer’s block. But I’m slowly getting my mojo back, which has definitely been helped by my blogging.

A word of thanks…I just want to say thank you to Soulla for asking me to take part. It’s been a joy to do!

I love how this series has connected so many different people from writers to screenwriters, from artists to singers and bloggers to book reviewers.Thank you too Marie for taking part and I wish you all the best with your writing and may your enjoyment of reading long continue!

Until next time, let your creativity shine through whatever it is you are doing! Love Soulla xxx

If you would like to connect with Marie here are her main social media and website links: 






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