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Writers’ Favourite Writing Quotes (Part 11)


A warm welcome to this week’s guest post from Jess B. Moore and Gaebrielle Wieck who share their inspirational writing quotes with us as well as the impact it has had on their writing. Wonderful to be able to collaborate with them both and I hope you enjoy reading! Let inspiration flow…

Jess B. Moore

My favourite writing quote and how it inspired me:

“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them,they should have behaved better.” 

― Anne Lamott,

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life 

How the quote got you into writing, helped me develop my writing style or attitude:

The first book on writing I read was Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird.  It was recommended by a friend while I was struggling with staying motivated, and not sure I could really “be” a writer.  I devoured the book!!  It’s full of wonderful advice and definitely helps you feel like you can be a writer if you want to be a writer.  You have to love a “you can do it” book.  But the single portion that stood out the strongest for me – one I keep as the background on my cell phone – is the above.  Sometimes we need permission to tell our own stories, and this has been pivotal for me.  My first book, although fiction, was strongly influenced by circumstances in my own life, and it took a great deal of courage for me to share it with the world. I’m finding it easier as I go, but still occasionally remind myself that these are my stories, and I get to tell them.

What are you writing at the moment/working on?

I’m working on The Worth of a Penny – the sequel to my debut, The Guilt of a Sparrow, which came out in July.  I’ve been splitting my time between two series which are both set in the same town, and have some cross over.  The first book in the other series, Fierce Grace, is out November 2, with the follow up, Saving Grace hopefully to be out end of 2019.  With Fierce Grace in the works, I’ve been doing final edits, giving input on cover design, writing my acknowledgements, and concentrating on promotion.  Meanwhile, writing at a steady pace to complete The Worth of a Penny by the end of the year – at which point I turn it in to my publisher, and let them begin their work on it.  Whew.  Work as an author is more complex than writing the stories, but it’s been a fun learning experience, and I’m loving it.

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Gaebrielle Wieck

My favourite writing quote and how it inspired me:

 I have two actually that have really stuck with me.

Sic Parvis Magna, which in Latin means: “Greatness from small beginnings.”

This is more of a general quote than specifically just writing but I interpret it towards my journey as a writer/author. This is, no shame, from one of my favorite video game franchises: Uncharted. Once I had heard it, it had ignited that love of adventure and the small beginnings that start before the event that could very well change your life. Hopefully for the better of course.

“Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.” 

I never found out who said the quote but I want to shake their hand. This is something I kept saying to myself over and over again. My love for writing and my dream of becoming an author was something I had always dreamed about. Any other job or career choice was, in my mind, a hindrance. I wanted nothing more than to be a writer. It was difficult because I always had to choose between what was practical and what called to my soul. It’s something I think about almost constantly, and so I knew I had to just go for it.

How the quote get me into writing, helped me to develop my writing style or attitude:

The quotes definitely helped me as far as kicking my butt into gear. It ignited and continues to reignite the passion in me everyday, and I truly feel like I plugged my passion and soul into each story I write. I don’t like to write what’s hot or popular at the moment. I like to write what my heart is telling me to write.

What I am writing at the moment/working on:

I am currently working on the first draft in the second book in my ‘Skorravik Trilogy: Forbidden Guides.’ ‘To No End’ is the first book in the trilogy. I am also in the process of writing up the outline for my dark fantasy novel and a children’s book. I am kind of an overachiever when it comes to writing and I have to remind myself, finish what I start first. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

 ‘To No End’ is about a girl that goes back in time to save her father. She is sent back and time and involuntarily thrown into a war driven by a villainous woman that she had no idea she, herself, would ever be apart of.

‘Forbidden Guides,’ without giving too much away, is a continuation of the girls story. They must travel to a place that could have the answer to defeat the villainous woman, but not everything or everyone is as they seem.

Dark fantasy and children’s book is still a surprise.😉

Social Media Links: 

‘To No End’ is available on my author website or through Amazon.

To No End (Skorravik Trilogy) (Volume 1) To No End (Skorravik Trilogy) (Volume 1) 


To No End (Skorravik Trilogy) (Volume 1)

Alyx, a young girl who never thought that she would have to face anything more difficult than getting into college without an assault charge, is now faced with her father in the hospital slowly dying before her eyes, not knowing that the cause is an


Author website:

Home | Gaebrielle Wieck Books 





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