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My Book Love For Elaine Graham- Leigh’s novel The Caduca


Book Review by Soulla Christodoulou

Welcome to this week’s My Book Love For post on a very special sci-fi novel by author Elaine Graham-Leigh.

Here’s what the book is about:

The book is set about 900 years into the future and the planet of Benan Ty is just another poor and violent ex-Terran colony. Now the Chi!me, the major power dominating the galaxy, is coming to broker a peace deal between guerrilla group ViaVera and the government. For Quila, a rising figure in the Chi!me diplomatic service, the posting to Benan Ty could be the making of her career. Meanwhile Terise, one of ViaVera’s inner circle, is just trying to get her lover out with his life. But in a conflict where no side’s motivations are pure, they are both about to discover how much they really do have to lose.

Set in a future where humanity has gone to the stars, but taken exploitation and oppression with them, this is a story of imperialism, harsh resistance, beautiful friendship and ultimately, liberation.”

Elaine’s book The Caduca is just wow! A wonderful read!

It really is a thrilling mixture of action and ideology, detailing the ways in which radical ideas can quickly move from that of a resistance movement to a highly organised terrorist association. I don’t generally read sci-fi books but I felt this was an imaginative reflection of real life issues, and though set in space in the future, it is very relevant for today’s world and today’s readers. In fact I’ve passed it onto my seventeen year-old niece to read.

The Caduca is well written and encompasses many characters, who feel like real people.

Well done Elaine on a wonderfully written and executed story. I wish you continued success.”

I hope you’ll give Elaine’s story a read and if you do, let us both know what you think of it… reviews are an author’s best friend!

With much love, Soulla xxx

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