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Happy e-book anniversary Broken Pieces of Tomorrow and an excerpt from the book.


They say time flies when you’re having fun! It’s a year exactly since the debut release of Broken Pieces of Tomorrow in its ebook format and I can say that this year has been phenomenally exciting…the path of being a published author has not failed to exhilerate, and at times exasperate, but most of all I have been truly amazed at the generosity, kindness and wonderful support of my family, friends and virtual friends too.

As a way of celebrating I thought I’d share an excerpt of the story and some of those e-moments with you. So THANK YOU to each and every one of you for making the first year of the book’s publication so successful.

Mya Glenister, a young student, now in her second year of GCSEs, designed the front cover of the book for me after responding to my shout out across Instagram for book cover ideas. She has been truly inspirational and worked tirelessly to meet my deadlines! As a former teacher of Business Studies and Head of PSHE I am a huge advocate of supporting young people to push themselves to do whatever it takes to develop themselves, build transferable skills and become the best possible version of themselves that they can. 

You can read about her experience of designing the cover here.

Seeing the cover of my book LIVE for the first time was truly amazing and it was such a special moment for me. If I remember rightly, I danced around the house screaming my head off and anyone who knows me will be able to say that’s typical of me when I get excited about something! I began writing the story in January 2015, using my writing classes as an escape from a particularly difficult and upsetting time in my life, and so to finally see my finished story, after countless of edits and re-writes, as an e-book on Amazon was incredibly rewarding. 

This was one of the very first reviews I remember really celebrating. The reader, who I have since connected with on Instagram, really understood Georgia’s “Coming of Age” journey and I remember crying with joy as I read her 5 star goodreads review which you can read in full here.

With over 35 reviews across Amazon and goodreads, the book is certainly liked by readers! EVERY review that comes in is always a whoop moment for me. I value everyone’s review and for those who cannot leave a review, a message on my social media is just as welcome. So if you’ve read it PLEASE leave a review for me, or message me your thoughts, and if you haven’t read it yet…here’s a little taster for you…enjoy!

“Nicolas strolled in a few minutes before six o’clock and went straight up for a shower. Georgia waited in the kitchen shifting from one foot to the other until he eventually came back downstairs.

‘Of course I’ve got her number. Why wouldn’t I? She works for me doesn’t she?’ said Nicolas.

‘What do you need to call her for?’

‘If she’s running late, if she’s not well enough to come in, if she’s missed the bus to work…loads of reasons. What’s with all the questions?’

‘I’ll tell you why! Because her number is all over the Vodafone bills like a rash! Her number is there every fucking day!  You made call after call after call to her.  Sometimes five, six times a fucking night.  In the mornings.  On Sundays.  On.  Sundays. When you should be watching your son play football you’re on the fucking phone to her for an hour, for two hours!’

‘Oh come on. How do you know that?’

‘Because, darling, I have seen the bills.’

‘Look I can explain. There’s nothing going on. She’s been doing extra shifts what with those workmen coming in at the end of the day. I couldn’t cope on my own. And she’s having a hard time with her boyfriend. He’s possessive. She just needs someone to talk to. I’ve done nothing wrong. I promise. I’ve promised your mum and dad. I’ve promised my mum too. On the boys’ lives I haven’t done anything with her.’

‘Don’t you dare swear on the boys’ lives!’

‘I promise!’

‘And my mum and dad aren’t stupid! They don’t believe you and neither do I.’

‘I promise, Georgia please…’

‘I don’t believe you. You just said it’s because she’s late or ill. Now you’re saying something different. And if nothing’s happened, you want it to. She wants it to. The fucking cow! She knows you’re married. She’s met me. She’s met the boys!’

‘Look I care for her. She works for me. She’s on her own. She’s here without permission. Imagine what that’s like for her.’

‘What it’s like for her? You are joking, right? Why do I want to imagine what it’s like for her? I’ve been out of my mind with worry. I’ve been thinking the worst; you were ill, you might be in debt, having a break down or something. And you want me to imagine what it’s been like for her? You imagine what it’s been like for me. Just for one fucking minute!’

‘You’re such a drama queen. It’s not about you or me. It’s about helping her out. She’s in trouble here. She’s without her family. She has no-one. We have each other and the boys and our families. You’ve got me. I’m working my arse off to give you the life you want. To give us the life we both want.’ He ran his hand through his hair, nervous.

‘Liar!’ Georgia wanted to bash his big fat head on the kitchen wall behind him, but instead she turned and stomped out. He didn’t follow her.”

Thank you for reading my “One Year Anniversary” post and if you’d like to connect with me then here are my social media links…see you soon!

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Until next time, Happy Reading, Happy Writing, Happy you! Soulla xxx

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